Evan Branosky

Water, Agriculture & Earth Resources, Environment & Climate Change, Public Policy
Market performance & evaluation, Regulation, pricing & cost recovery, Policy design, Policy evaluation & reform, Investment appraisal & business cases, Governance & institutions, Market design
Evan is a US based nationally-recognized leader in developing and implementing innovative market and performance-based instruments for water and environmental compliance. We partner with Evan to deliver innovative market and performance based work that helps maximise public funding and achieving cost effective and impactful regulatory compliance outcomes. Our work combines Marsden Jacob’s water, environment, climate, agriculture and coastal economic and policy capability and market knowledge, and Evans deep international experience in environmental market design and implementation, alternative compliance, pay-for- performance approaches, performance-based contracting, green and blue infrastructure financing.
Evan has designed, implemented, and evaluated cutting-edge programs to support cost-effective achievement of environmental goals and regulatory obligations across the US and internationally. He has demonstrated leadership in evaluating and selecting optimal green and blue investment financing frameworks, and building green and blue infrastructure financing and funding including calculators, registries, and reporting platforms. He also works within senior public and private sectors advising program participants such as investors, managers, and permittees with impartial information to guide decision-making.
Evan’s experience includes:
- Market-based instruments for catchments and landscapes: Evan’s experience includes being the first Chairperson of the US EPA Chesapeake Bay Program’s Trading and Offsets Workgroup (TOWG). He worked within TOWG to design and implement nutrient and sediment trading practices, policies, and programs to help restore water quality in the Chesapeake Bay and its tidal tributaries, to provide a forum for discussion, consensus building and exchange of information among federal, state, and local agencies, river basin commissions, industry groups, universities, and other interested parties on nutrient and sediment trading efforts, and to evaluate and facilitate strategies to effectively exchange nutrient, and sediment loads from municipal, industrial and onsite wastewater, agricultural lands and animal operations, urban and suburban stormwater, forested lands, tidal and in-stream sediment, and air emissions. Subsequently, Evan was the initial manager of the District of Columbia Stormwater Retention Credit Trading Program (SRC). The SRC trading program facilitates trades of volume-based credits to finance green infrastructure and achieve regulatory requirements. Evan has also advised surface water offset programs in California and Nevada, and advocated for federal reforms to wetland mitigation banking and in-lieu fee regulations.
- Innovative green and blue financing and funding: Evan was part of the team that developed the Brandywine-Christina Revolving Water Fund in Delaware and Pennsylvania, leading the metrics work. The revolving water fund is the first of its kind in the US (and internationally). It allows downstream beneficiaries to invest in upstream conservation practices designed to secure freshwater resources—both in terms of water quality and quantity—for people and nature, far into the future. Evan has also developed financing and funding strategies for green infrastructure and energy efficiency retrofits for real property portfolios of federal government clients.
- Environmental regulation and policy: Evan has implemented and manages regulatory policy programs under the US Clean Water Act and provides permittees with technical assistance on compensatory mitigation, wetland delineation, and the Endangered Species Act and National Historic Preservation Act. He has significant experience with federal, state, and local regulations and programs on industry, and in preparing testimony to support federal regulatory negotiations.
Currently, Evan manages an environmental program at a major U.S. trade association. He previously held positions at the leading US World Resources Institute think-tank, the Government of the District of Columbia, and consulting firms. Evan holds a Masters of Public Policy with specialisation in Environmental Policy and Public Finance from the University of Maryland, and a Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Science and a Certificate in Environmental Geomatics from Rutgers University.