Matthew Clarke

Transport, Agriculture & Earth Resources, Public Policy, Water, Environment & Climate Change
Regulation, pricing & cost recovery, Due diligence, Investment appraisal & business cases, Quantitative methods & modelling, Policy design, Governance & institutions, Policy evaluation & reform, Market design, Market performance & evaluation, Strategy design, Strategy performance evaluation & reform
Matthew has 25 years of professional experience and has significant experience in transport economics, agricultural and resource economics and public policy review. Get in contact with Matthew if you want to talk about regulatory pricing, cost recovery, cost benefit analysis, program evaluation, strategy development, business cases and policy design.
Since joining Marsden Jacob, Matthew has worked on a wide array of high-level and applied projects in a diverse set of sectors including transport, agriculture, water, biosecurity, fisheries, emergency management, sport, environment, land contamination and natural resource management, including for federal and state government departments and agencies across Australia, local councils, and non-government organisations.
Examples of his work include:
- Transport economics. Matthew is the Transport Practice Leader at Marsden Jacob and an experienced transport economist. While at Marsden Jacob, he has undertaken numerous projects for governments related to: regulatory pricing; policy development; business cases; benefit-cost analysis; supply chain pricing; logistics management; levels of service; survey development; quantitative analysis; and research and analysis.
- Transport reform. Matthew has led significant national projects on reforms to road infrastructure pricing and investment. This has included projects that work with all levels of government (Federal, State and Local). Many of these projects have involved examining new approaches to road or rail pricing, investment, funding and governance arrangements. For example, Matthew recently completed a regulation impact statement involving national reforms to heavy vehicle regulatory arrangements. Matthew’s experience includes both road and rail.
- Regulatory pricing and cost recovery. Matthew has extensive experience in the pricing of regulatory services and cost recovery across many sectors, including transport, water, telecommunications, disability services, environment and government services. He is a national leader in transport regulatory pricing and has extensive knowledge of heavy vehicle charging. Matthew has recently developed several forward looking cost models for clients in different sectors for the purpose of designing improved cost recovery and pricing of services.
- Agricultural and fisheries economics. Matthew also has extensive experience as an economist in agriculture and fisheries. Matthew has experience across a range of agriculture sectors including horticulture, lamb, dairy, grains and fruit and nuts, as well as biosecurity which crosses these sectors. He has extensive experience in undertaking a range of projects in agriculture and fisheries, including: cost-benefit analysis; project/program evaluation; productivity analysis; regulatory frameworks and reform; and survey development. Matthew also has experience in modelling the economics and profitability of fisheries sectors for governments.
- Benefit cost analysis and impact assessments. Matthew has extensive experience in undertaking cost benefit analysis and impact assessments across a range of sectors including schools, water, environment, biosecurity, agriculture, transport, sustainability, fisheries, land management (including contamination) and natural resources. He has extensive experience in the CRRDC impact assessment guidelines.
- Program evaluation. Matthew has undertaken numerous program and project evaluations across many sectors, including a range of sectors including biosecurity, agriculture, transport, water, fisheries and natural resources. Some recent examples include government programs related to emergency management, meat and livestock, drought, farm services, biosecurity and dairy.
- Strategy and policy development. Matthew has undertaken numerous projects involving strategy and policy development for clients. Many of these examine reforms to current arrangements and have a strong forward looking focus. Some recent example are two separate significant strategic reviews for disability organisations.
- Supply chain investments. Matthew has undertaken business cases across a range of areas including trains, heavy vehicles, warehousing, ports, marketing and processing. Matthew has also led large projects involving cost-benefit analysis in transport related to heavy vehicles and roads.
- Socioeconomic impact assessment. Matthew recently undertook the critically acclaimed review of the socioeconomic impacts of infrastructure upgrades in the Murrumbidgee region. This work was recently recognised in recent South Australian Royal Commission as the benchmark standard, for socioeconomic assessment in the water sector.
Before joining Marsden Jacob, Matthew worked on these types of issues with government agencies and the private sector. He has deep and long-standing knowledge of transport, agriculture and resource economics and applied public policy.
Matthew was previously Director Economics at the Department of Primary Industry of Victoria, Project Director Heavy Vehicle Pricing and Senior Manager Economics at the National Transport Commission and a National supply chain and Logistics Manager for one of Australia’s largest bulk commodity exporters. He has also worked as a management consultant for Accenture. He has a Master of Applied Finance from the University of Melbourne and Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) from the University of Melbourne.