Emma Swann

Environment & Climate Change, Social Policy and Social Impact, Public Policy, Energy & Renewables
Policy evaluation & reform
With a background in law and environmental/natural resource research and analysis, Emma has a proven track record in providing evidence-based and influential policy advice.
As senior researcher for Evidentiary and BehaviourWorks Australia, Emma specialised in rapid reviews using systematic review methodology, searching for, analysing and synthesising data to produce clear and concise reports for decision-makers in natural resource management and business.
From ecosystem accounting to biodiversity and habitat conservation, Emma is passionate about creating simplicity from complexity, and supporting managers and policy makers to make informed decisions on investments, campaigns and project designs.
Project highlights across her senior research career include:
- Creating an evidence base and evidence domain map for the Bureau of Meteorology’s exemplar SEEA Experimental Ecosystem Accounting account on Landscape Connectivity.
- A review on behaviours and motivations towards energy efficiency for NSW Office of Environment and Heritage.
- An evidence-based submission for NSW Farmers Association to a Parliamentary inquiry on biodiversity legislation.
- A review on how the legal concept of a Duty of Care can be applied to natural resource management for a South Australian NRM.
- A review on the benefits to landholders of conducting riparian works for the Victorian Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning.
- A review on how to encourage land managers to change their behaviour around habitat conservation for a South Australian NRM.
- A review on the safe and effective release of purified recycled water for an Australian water authority.
- Investigated industry trends around consumer behaviour in making additional contributions to superannuation for a leading Australian Superannuation Fund.
- A review on employee behaviour around absenteeism for an Australian publicly listed company.
- Publishing ‘What factors influence the effectiveness of financial incentives on long-term natural resource management practice change?’ in the Australian and New Zealand School of Government (ANZSOG) peer-reviewed journal, Evidence Base.
As a lawyer Emma specialised in the areas of Tort Law and Insurance, particularly Transport Accident Commission, WorkCover and Victims of Crime Compensation schemes. She has lectured in Tort Law and Legal English at La Javeriana University in Colombia, completed a thesis in the area of employment law, and conducted legal research in constitutional law for a Senator while working at Parliament House.
Emma holds a Bachelor of Law (Honours) and a Bachelor of Arts (Politics Major) from La Trobe University, and a Master of Environmental Management (with Distinction) from the University of Newcastle.